
Room Parent and Party Volunteer Sign-Up



Room Parent Sign up

5th Grade Party

4th Grade Party

3rd Grade Party

2nd Grade Party

1st Grade Party

Kindergarten Party

PreK Party



The Party Dates:


Winter Party Friday December 20th

Valentines Day Party Tuesday February 11th

St. Patrick's Day Party Monday March 17th


Party times are as follows:


Grade Level 

Party Time

PreK 3

10:00am - 10:30am

PreK 4

2:00pm - 2:30pm


11:45 - 12:15pm

1st grade 


2nd grade

1:30 - 2:00 pm

3rd grade

2:00 - 2:30pm

4th grade


5th grade

11:45 - 12:15pm




LBES has a strict policy that only 4 parents can volunteer/help at each party.   Parents may sign up for 1 party per school year. One parent per child per party. (ex.. a mother and father cannot each sign up for a party. The party volunteer must be a parent or guardian.) . 


Please see below for the descriptions of each role.

There will be 4 roles for each party. 


1. Designated photographer for LBES Yearbook  (instructions on where to upload photos will be coming closer to party dates) 


2. Treat bag (make sure to ask your teacher about any allergies) 


3. Game


4. Craft or Story based around the theme of the party


When you sign-up for a party you will be signing up for one of the 4 roles. ***ROOM PARENT BONUS*** the role of room parent now includes the photographer role at the WINTER PARTY! This allows the room parent to present the class holiday gift to the teacher.